Welcome to Mototak LLC
Mototak LLC specializes in all things data:
Data Integration |
Data Analysis |
Over 25 years of experience in Data Integration and ETL/ELT technologies. From Oracle to SQL Server: If it can be stored, it can be moved!
Data GovernanceYes, the boring, tedious activities that are sorely needed in todays' business place. As companies merge, governance is a key issue. An invoice is not an invoice in a lot of cases.
Give us an inch and we'll give you the Great Wall of China...and beyond! Data analysis from small datasets to large, we help your business live, thrive, and survive!
Data WarhousingOld school with Inmon and Kimball to modern data warehousing, we can build a solution to suit your needs.
We can manage your data from Cradle to Grave. Yes data is a living, breathing entity that makes your business run. It is the lifeblood of your company. If you mistreat it, it will mistreat you!